20000 The eSellerate Purchase engine was not found
20016 &Yes
20017 &No
20018 &OK
20019 &Cancel
20020 &Resume
20021 &Stop
20022 &Save
20023 &Help
20024 &Ignore
20025 &Shut Down
20026 &Minimize
20027 &Skip
20028 &Select All
20029 D&eselect All
20030 &Fix Selected
20031 &Close
20032 S&ave Changes
20033 &More Details
20034 &Fix Hijacked Addresses
20035 &Delete Selected Entries
20036 &Report Spyware
20037 Update &Program
20038 Update &Definitions
20039 &Apply
20040 &Remove Unchecked Items
20041 &Next >
20042 &Pause
20043 &Start
20044 wait...
20045 &Restore Selected
20046 &Delete Selected
20047 &Finish
20048 &Update News
20049 &Accept
20050 &Decline
20051 &Save to File
20052 &Clear Session History
20053 View &Hosts File
20054 &Remove Selected from Startup
20055 &Leave All in Startup
20056 &Keep New
20057 &Restore Saved
20064 Please Enter Your Key Code
20065 Please enter your key code below. It looks something like:
20067 Hint: You can paste the key code into any of the boxes.
20068 The entered key code is not correct.Please check that you have entered the code correctly (only letters are used, no numeric values).If you are still having problems, click the Help button for more information.
20069 If you purchased online either directly from Webroot or through one of our partners, your key code was sent to you via email as a part of your download instructions.If you purchased through a retail store, your key code is located on the back panel of your product packaging.If you've misplaced your key code, please contact Webroot customer service at saleshelp@webroot.comYour Webroot key code uniquely identifies your software purchase and enables you to access customer benefits like free software updates and customer support. Any time you use buttons within the software to visit Webroot.com (i.e. check for update), your key code will link to our servers to automatically identify the rights associated with your purchase. Webroot's key code technology will not be used in any way to track your individual use of our products.
20070 The key code you entered can not be validated.Please contact customer support.
20071 A connection to the internet could not be established.
20072 There was an error communicating with Webroot.Please contact customer support.
20080 About
20081 Common Ad Sites Shield
20082 Common Ad Sites Learning Mode
20083 Windows Address Book Shield
20084 Address Book
20085 Always Ignore
20086 Always ignore the checked spyware items
20087 Always Keep
20088 Always Remove
20089 Associated Traces Found:
20090 Automatically Delete Items in Quarantine More Than
20091 Auto Dialer Shield
20092 Automatically Restore Default Without Notification
20093 Automatic Check for Updates
20094 Cancel
20095 Cancel in progress
20100 Category:
20101 Close
20102 Clearing the changes file. One minute, please...
20103 Program Options
20104 Sweep for Spyware
20105 Daily
20106 Day of the Week
20107 Days Old
20108 Do Not Sweep System Restore Folder (Only Applies to Window ME and XP)
20109 Do not show this message again.
20110 Download Progress
20111 Drive-by Download Shield
20112 Edit Startup Items
20113 Enable
20114 Show Tooltip Hints
20115 Enable Password Protection
20116 Enable Sound
20117 File being processed
20118 Files/Folders Inspected:
20119 Fingerprint Type:
20120 Friday
20121 Help
20122 Hosts File Shield
20123 Hosts File Shield Alert Possible Address Hijack Detected
20124 Attention: Possible address hijack has been detected in the hosts file.
20125 Click "Delete Selected Entries" to remove the selected host file entries.
20126 Hosts File
20127 or hours after loading
20128 IE Favorites Shield
20129 Attention: New favorites have been added since the last sweep by the IE Favorites Shield.
20130 Favorites Title
20132 Address
20133 IE Favorites Shield Alert --- changes have been detected.
20134 If these were added without your knowledge or permission, check each item in the list below that you do not want and then click Delete Selected Entries." Simply click "Close" to keep the new favorites.
20135 IE Hijack Shield
20136 IE Home Page Shield
20137 IE Home Page Shield (maintains the following)
20138 Internet Explorer
20139 IE Search Assistant Shield
20140 IE Search Assistant Shield (maintains the following)
20141 IE Search Page Shield
20142 IE Search Page Shield (maintains the following)
20143 IE Security Settings Shield
20144 IE Tracking Cookies Shield
20145 IP Address in Hosts File
20146 Last full sweep performed:
20147 License Agreement
20148 Load at Windows Startup
20149 Loading Sessions History Log
20150 Location:
20151 Max Number of Session Histories Saved:
20152 Memory Items Inspected:
20153 Memory Shield
20154 Windows Messenger Service Shield
20155 Min
20156 Minimize
20157 Monday
20158 Monthly
20159 &View more details online
20160 News date:
20161 No
20162 Do Not Show Blocked Sites in the List
20163 Unknown
20164 Hour(s)
20165 OK
20166 Options
20167 Webroot's Pop Up Washer (Only during trial)
20168 Possibly Hijacked Address
20169 Always quarantine the checked spyware items
20170 Quarantined
20171 Registry Items Inspected:
20172 Remove
20173 Removal progress
20174 Always Notify Before Restoring
20175 Results
20176 Saturday
20177 Save
20178 Sweep When Scheduled
20179 Schedule
20180 Select Drives to Sweep:
20181 Select spyware to remove and hold in the quarantine folder
20182 Sessions History Log
20183 Session Log
20184 Sweep at a set hour,
20185 Add Sweep for Spyware to Windows Explorer Context Menu
20186 Shield or Feature Name
20187 Shields
20188 Disable Splash Screen
20189 Skip Files Larger Than
20190 Spyware to Keep.
20191 Spyware to Remove.
20192 Select spyware to restore or delete from the quarantine folder
20193 Spyware Details
20194 Spyware Fingerprints Loaded:
20195 Spy Installation Shield
20196 Startup Programs
20197 Windows System
20200 News
20201 Spy Sweeper
20202 Spyware
20203 Spyware Found:
20204 Spyware Name:
20205 Startup Shield
20206 Startup Programs
20207 Step 1:
20208 Sweep System
20209 Step 2:
20210 Remove
20211 Step 3:
20212 Results
20213 Subscribe
20214 Summary
20215 Summary of Shields
20216 Sunday
20217 Sweep All Folders on Selected Drives
20218 Sweep All User Accounts
20219 Sweep at Windows Shutdown
20220 Sweep at Windows Startup
20221 Sweep Time
20222 Sweep Only Known Spyware Folders
20223 Sweep Memory
20224 Sweep Now
20225 Sweep Options
20226 Sweep Registry
20227 Windows System
20228 Thursday
20229 Periodic
20230 Traces Found:
20231 Traces Ignored:
20232 Traces Quarantined:
20233 Traces Removed Since Installation:
20234 Tuesday
20235 View News on Startup
20236 Webroot Products
20237 Wednesday
20238 Weekly
20239 What to Sweep:
20240 Where to Sweep:
20241 Yes
20242 Show Only Alert Pop-up from System Tray
20248 Error while creating logfile
20249 Failed to load sessions log.
20250 Failed to load psapi.dll.
20251 Failed to locate psapi.dll entry points.
20252 Error while opening logfile
20253 Out of memory while loading spyware definitions.
20254 Out of Memory while quarantining spyware.
20255 Out of Memory while restoring spyware.
20256 Your log file and directory do not exist. May I create them now?
20257 Unable to create the log file.
20258 Unexpected Registry Action Type in spyware definition:
20259 Unexpected Spy Category while inserting spyware into treeview.
20264 Program Version %s Using Spyware Definitions %s
20265 Action Requested
20266 Action Required
20267 Alert
20268 All Folders
20269 All addresses appear to be correct.
20270 Also sweeping:
20271 Spyware to Ignore List
20272 Spyware to Shoot List
20273 Are you sure you wish to STOP the sweep?
20274 at <
20275 is attempting to run on your system.
20276 Autodialer Shield Alert
20277 Automated update checks are completed.
20278 Automated check for new spyware definitions now underway.
20279 Automated check for program update in progress.
20280 Automated check for news in progress.
20281 Bad Entry
20282 being quarantined:
20283 Beta Program expiring %s
20284 - Blocked Address: ignored -
20285 Blocked web sites remaining:
20286 Blocking ad serving web sites... one minute, please...
20287 Pressing a product button will provide more information about that product.
20288 Do you want to cancel the sweep and close?
20289 Category:
20290 Caution regarding the removal of :
20291 CD
20292 A severe problem has been encountered with your installation.Please contact Webroot support at support@webroot.com.
20293 You have not yet saved your changes.Do you want to save your changes now?
20294 is checked, and is being processed.
20295 Restore
20300 The checkmarked spyware will be ignored during sweeps.
20301 To remove spyware names from this list, click the "Remove Unchecked Items" button.
20302 The checkmarked spyware will be removed during sweeps.
20303 To remove spyware names from this list, click the "Remove Unchecked Items" button.
20304 Checking for news...
20305 Cleaning Traces
20306 Click the OK button when done.
20307 Close Internet Explorer
20308 Your system will not be protected against spyware if you shut down Spy Sweeper. It is recommended that you minimize Spy Sweeper to continue protection.
20309 Please close Spy Sweeper, then restart the program.
20310 To ensure proper removal of spyware, be sure to close any programs that are open.
20311 Company name is not provided
20312 Spy Sweeper has completed an examination of your system.
20313 Spy Sweeper has completed a quick sweep of your system.
20314 Memory sweep has completed. Elapsed time
20315 There are items marked for deletion, but the changes have not been applied. Do you want to delete the items?
20316 CongratulationsNo spyware was detected.
20317 You need to be connected to the Internet.Click "YES" when you have established this connection.
20318 The connection failed. Please try again later.
20319 To examine or change these settings, go into Internet Explorer,
20320 then click on "Tools ==> Internet Options ==> Connections"
20321 IE Tracking Cookies Shield: Removed
20322 Copyright information is not provided
20323 Correct IP Address
20324 Could not restore
20325 Date First Detected:
20326 (Expires: %s)
20327 (Expired)
20328 Your definitions are up to date.
20329 Definitions can not be updated because subscription has expired.
20330 Deleted Hosts File entry:
20331 Deleting selected quarantined files.
20332 Deletion from quarantine initiated
20333 Deletion from quarantine completed. Elapsed time
20334 Description:
20335 Your Internet Dialup Settings have been changed.
20336 Changes of this nature are generally done by you, the user,
20337 or by an Autodialer hijacker that can be encountered on a web site.
20338 Disk Sweep has completed.
20339 Deleted
20340 Caution: If you deselect "Load At Startup", your scheduled sweeps will not run when scheduled.
20341 - Done -
20342 Done.
20343 Download has been canceled at your request.
20344 Drives:
20345 Duration: %s hr, %s mins, %s secs
20346 Duration: %s hrs, %s mins, %s secs
20347 Duration: %s mins, %s secs
20348 Enable Password Protection
20349 Startup Shield (Show alert when new startup items are detected)
20350 End of Session
20351 To ensure system and data privacy, Webroot recommends you run a
20352 regular sweep of your system at least once a week.
20353 Error
20354 Exact Match
20355 -- Execution allowed at user request
20356 -- Execution Denied
20357 Please read the following License Agreement. You must accept the terms of this agreement before using the software.
20358 Spy News is provided to help you get the most out of Spy Sweeper by providing you with real-time information such as usability tips and news regarding the latest spyware threats.
20359 The shields above are available with this version of Spy Sweeper.
20360 Sweep of selected folder initiated by the system.
20361 Spy Sweeper is examining a single folder requested by Windows Explorer. For complete protection, Webroot recommends you run a Full Sweep at regular intervals.
20364 Failed to create the following directories:
20365 Could not complete operation on
20366 Failed to disable Messenger service.
20367 Failed to load adware hosts file.
20368 Failed to load spyware lists.
20369 Failed to quarantine
20370 Spy Sweeper was unable to remove the folder
20371 because it still contains files. It is recommended that youmanually delete the folder through Windows Explorer.
20372 Failed to restart Messenger service.
20373 Failed to save to "
20374 Failure
20375 file traces.
20376 files swept
20377 Webroot continuously updates the spyware definitions list that Spy Sweeper uses to inspect your system.As part of each new installation, we strongly recommend that you obtain the most recent version of these definitions to ensure total protection for your system.Would you like to update the spyware definitions list now?
20378 Fixing Hosts File entry:
20379 The following is active:
20380 The following are active:
20381 Found
20382 found:
20383 Found:
20384 Found: Memory-resident Spyware
20385 Free version
20386 Full Program
20387 Full sweep on all local drives initiated.
20388 Full sweep on Drive C: initiated.
20389 Explorer Sweep has completed. Elapsed time
20390 Full Sweep has completed. Elapsed time
20391 Spy Sweeper is performing an in-depth examination of your computer. Thorough sweeps will ensure system and data privacy.
20392 A full sweep is scheduled for
20393 Gathering memory objects...
20394 Your home page had been altered, and is restored to:
20395 Spy Sweeper has detected that your home page has been changed.Click "Keep New" to update Spy Sweeper's protected home page to
20400 Click "Restore Saved" to restore your home page back to
20401 Click "Restore Saved" to restore your home page back to the current empty (no home page) setting.
20402 Your home page default has been restored to:
20403 Your home page has been set to:
20404 The Hosts File contains only blocked sites.
20405 The Hosts File has no entries
20406 hours,
20407 Hour(s)
20408 Alert: An Internet Explorer Favorite has been added.
20409 You will be alerted whenever an IE Favorite is changed or added.
20410 You will no longer be alerted to changes in your IE Favorites.Please notice the automatic reset checkboxes that are now enabled.You may have the program automatically reset the "Alert on change" box later.
20411 Favorites have been added since the last IE Favorites Shield sweep.
20412 Your IE Favorites "Alert on change" shield has been automatically reactivated
20413 Your Internet Explorer home page default is now:
20414 Internet Explorer Favorites Lockdown is removing added or replaced IE Favorites.
20415 Spy Sweeper has detected that Internet Explorer is running on your system.It must be closed to ensure proper removal of selected spyware.Would you like to close it now?
20416 Spy Sweeper has detected changes in your internal Internet Explorer web pages.
20417 Do you want to restore the saved values?
20418 Spy Sweeper has detected that your search assistant page was changed to:
20419 Your search assistant page had been changed, and is restored to:
20420 Your search assistant default is now:
20421 Your search assistant page has been restored to:
20422 Spy Sweeper has detected that your search page was changed to:
20423 Your search page had been changed, and is restored to:
20424 Your search page default is now:
20425 Your search page has been restored to:
20426 Your Internet Explorer Security Settings have been altered.If this was done intentionally, continue as normal.If you think it was done by a spy program, you should restore the original settings.Do you want to restore the original settings?
20427 Spy Sweeper did not complete an examination of your system.
20428 Spy Sweeper did not complete a quick sweep of your system.
20429 Information
20430 Now inspecting memory objects...
20431 Now inspecting registry entries...
20432 The Spy Sweeper installation has been damaged. Please reinstall the product.
20433 Now inspecting...
20434 - blocked -
20435 - Corrected -
20436 - not blocked -
20437 is activated
20438 is not activated
20439 Do you want to keep this favorite?
20440 Launching browser to check for program updates.
20441 Loading Spyware Fingerprints...
20442 Loading... please wait one minute
20443 Local Drive
20444 Located Under
20445 Location:
20446 Location Match
20447 Log has been cleared at your request
20448 ============== done ==============
20449 Please mark your selection with a checkmark.
20450 Memory
20451 Messenger service has been disabled.
20452 Messenger service has been restarted.
20453 Windows Messenger Service has been restarted. Would you like to disable it?
20454 Midnight
20455 minutes,
20456 You are missing the usual "http://" in your address line.Do you want it inserted?
20457 Name Match
20458 Network Drive
20459 Never
20460 New spyware definitions are available.
20461 Newer spyware definitions are available at Webroot.Do you want to download them now?
20462 New spyware definitions are available at Webroot.You must be a subscriber to download the new definitions.Would you like to subscribe now?
20463 New Entry: "
20464 " with phone number of "
20465 Today Spy Sweeper is scheduled to check the web site for new information.
20466 This will occur in %s minutes.
20467 News has been downloaded.
20468 ... news is ready for your viewing.
20469 You have the most current news.
20470 Next scheduled sweep:
20471 ... no new news at this time.
20472 The installation may be corrupt. Passwords are not enabled for this workstation.
20473 No description available
20474 Spy Sweeper can not function properly on an account that has limited access to the system. If you must use a limited access account, Spy Sweeper should be configured to run using the credentials of the local administrator account. If you are unsure as to how to do this, consult the Windows help system.
20475 No sweep is scheduled.
20476 No spyware will be ignored during sweeps.
20477 No spyware will be removed without notification during sweeps.
20478 There is no spyware in the ALWAYS IGNORE list.
20479 There is no spyware in the ALWAYS SHOOT list.
20480 Noon
20481 Password field is empty.You must eneter a password and confirming password.
20482 This feature is not yet available for Windows 98
20483 (not available)
20484 (not done yet)
20485 You are currently not a subscriber.
20486 To subscribe, please visit: www.webroot.com
20487 Now sweeping drive
20488 Now sweeping folder
20489 You are now protected against %s spyware traces
20490 Please enter a number between 1 and 999999.An entry of "1" translates to 1,000 bytes.An entry of "999999" translates to nearly 1 Gigabyte
20491 Please enter a number between 1 and 1000.This value identifes the number of sessions, not bytes.
20492 Off
20493 On
20494 1 Internet Explorer Favorite has been added since the last IE Favorites Shield sweep.
20495 IE Favorite Removed:
20496 Check for Updated Definitions
20497 Another process is preventing Spy Sweeper from accessing its spyware definitions. Please contact Webroot Support at support@webroot.com
20498 Can not sweep Explorer folder because a sweep is already in progress.
20500 Confirm password:
20501 Enter password:
20502 " phone number was "
20503 ", is now "
20504 You need to be connected to the Internet.Click "YES" when you have established this connection.
20505 Please Enter Password
20506 --- please remove manually.
20507 Press "NEXT" to continue...
20508 Do you want to prevent it from running?
20509 There is a problem reaching the server. The cause may be in your connection, or on the server. Please try again later.
20510 Cannot update the spyware definitions.
20511 There is a problem reaching the server. Please try again later.
20512 A problem was experienced. Please try again later.
20513 Processing:
20514 Product name is not provided
20515 Spy Sweeper is busy at this time.
20516 Your Spy Sweeper application is up to date.
20517 Our new Spy Sweeper has been greatly improved.The version you have must be updated at this time.Do you want to download the new improved verson now?
20518 Webroot has a newer version of Spy Sweeper available.Do you want to download it now?
20519 Quarantining:
20520 Cookie:
20521 The quarantine directory is empty.
20522 File:
20523 Quarantining file on reboot:
20524 Registry:
20525 Question
20526 Quick sweep on Drive C: initiated.
20527 Quick sweep on all local drives initiated.
20528 Quick Sweep has completed. Elapsed time
20529 Spy Sweeper is examining the registry, folders and running programs for spyware. For complete protection, Webroot recommends you run a Full Sweep at regular intervals.
20530 Rebuilding quarantine list. This may take a minute.
20531 It is recommended that you run a Full Sweep of your system to remove any remnants of %s that may exist on your system.
20532 Registry
20533 Registry Entry
20534 Registry Entry --- please delete manually.
20535 Registry or Startup Folder:
20536 Registry sweep completed. Elapsed time
20537 Registry sweep initiated.
20538 registry traces.
20539 is in use. It will be removed on reboot.
20540 Removing file:
20541 Shredding file:
20542 Removing file on reboot:
20543 Removing folder:
20544 Removing registry:
20545 Blasting registry:
20546 Replacing registry:
20547 Removal process initiated
20548 Removal process completed. Elapsed time
20549 Folder:
20550 The checkmarked spyware will be removed without notification during sweeps.
20551 Removing:
20552 %s items (%s traces) quarantined.
20553 Do you want to restart? (click "NO" to simply shut down)
20554 Will you want to restart after the sweep? (click "NO" to simply shut down)
20555 Restart your computer now?
20556 Restore from quarantine initiated
20557 Restore from quarantine completed. Elapsed time
20558 Do you want to restore it to:
20559 Restored
20560 Restoring selected quarantined files.
20561 Removing from memory:
20562 Removing spyware from your system and placing it in quarantine.
20563 Would you like to run a sweep of your system to remove this spyware?
20564 Note: After confirming, you must click the "Save Changes" button to implement this change.
20565 Saved to "
20566 seconds.
20567 Please select at least ONE day for sweeping,or uncheck the "Sweep When Scheduled" checkbox.
20568 Please select a startup item, then press the button again.
20569 If spyware is shown, please select one by clicking on it.
20570 Select spyware by putting a check in the checkbox.
20571 Sweep scheduled when Windows is shut down.
20572 Skipping Step 2.
20573 spyware traces located
20574 Spyware was detected running in memory.To ensure proper removal of this spyware,close any applications that are currently openand click OK to continue
20575 Selected spyware has been quarantined successfully.
20576 When you are ready to permanently remove them,
20577 click on the "Quarantined" button and delete them.
20578 Your spyware definitions have been updated.
20579 Start of Session
20580 started
20581 All Users
20582 HKCU:
20583 Run
20584 Run Once
20585 Run Once Ex
20586 Run Services
20587 Run Services Once
20588 Startup Shield Alert --- new startup programs have been detected
20589 Attention: New programs have been detected that will start when Windows loads.
20590 If these were added without your knowledge or permission, check each item in the list below that you do not want in your startup programs and click "Remove Selected from Startup."
20591 CAUTION: Editing the Startup Items may cause programs on your computer to function incorrectly, and may cause system instability. This feature should only be used by experienced users.
20592 Checked programs automatically load when Windows starts:
20593 HKLM:
20594 The integrity of the Startup List is important to the Windows operating system.If you wish to disable an item, uncheck it. Then click the "Save Changes" button.Then test the integrity of your system by rebooting.If you experience a problem after rebooting, find the item in the unchecked section,put a checkmark in its box, click "Save Changes", then retest by rebooting again.
20595 Startup Item:
20596 Always Take this Action for
20597 When Spy Installation Shield finds this spyware attempting to execute, always perform the action you select
20600 Current User
20601 Startup Programs (Current User)
20602 Startup Programs (All Users)
20603 Warning. For experts only: Use extreme caution.
20604 Warning: Use caution when selecting programs to uncheck. Unchecking some items may cause system instability.
20605 Preventing some items from starting can cause system or program instability.
20606 To subscribe by phone, simply dial 1 800 772-9383
20607 Subscription Service: Activated
20608 Subscription Service: %s Day Trial (%s days left)
20609 Subscription Service: Not Activated
20610 Are you sure you wish to disable:
20611 Are you sure you wish to re-enable:
20612 "SWEEP AT SHUTDOWN" operates ONLY if %s is running when you shut down your computer.
20613 Sweeping drive C: only
20614 Sweep Canceled
20615 Spy Sweeper will sweep the following folder as requested by the system:
20616 Spy Sweeper will conduct an in-depth examination of your system. This will ensure system and data privacy. Click the START button to begin.
20617 Sweeping hard drives
20618 Sweep initiated using definitions version
20619 Your Spy Sweeper schedule says a sweep is overdue.Do you want to run one now?
20620 Your Sweep Options indicate the following will be swept:
20621 Spy Sweeper will examine your system for spyware. For complete protection, it is recommended that you regularly run a Full Sweep. Click the START button to begin.
20622 Sweeping only specified folder
20623 Sweep is being stopped.
20624 Webroot Spy Sweeper is set to sweep prior to shutting down.Do you wish to sweep now?
20625 Now sweeping known spyware folders.
20626 Sweeping memory for active spyware.
20627 Sweeping the registry
20628 Sweep has been pausedClick OK to resume.
20629 Sweep has stopped.
20630 Sweep has completed... No Spyware was found.
20631 Estimated time remaining: %3.0n minute(s)
20632 This System is Protected by
20633 Less than 1 minute remaining
20634 Title: "
20635 Title: "%s" Web Site Address: %s
20636 trace
20637 trace found.
20638 (%d traces)
20639 traces found in various locations.
20640 Trial Program
20641 Subscription Service: Trial period has expired.
20642 Unblocking ad serving web sites... one minute, please...
20643 This UNCHECKS the "Sweep at Startup" option.Spy Sweeper will not sweep at startup.
20644 Unknown
20645 Update Required
20646 Updating spyware definitions from Webroot.com
20647 Updating spyware definitions
20648 Now updating your Startup List
20649 Your Startup List is now updated.
20650 - Unique Address: ignored -
20651 There appears to be a mismatch between an URL and its IP Address.
20652 This may be caused by a hijacked address.
20653 To eliminate the problem, either click the "Fix Selected Entries"
20654 button, or select a questionable entry and click the "Delete Selected Entries" button.
20655 - no IP Address returned -
20656 Verified OK
20657 Various
20658 , version
20659 Please wait one minute while Spy Sweeper disables the Windows Messenger Service...
20660 Please wait one minute while Spy Sweeper enables the Windows Messenger Service...
20661 This may take a few minutes...
20662 Please wait... This may take a few minutes...
20663 Warning
20665 was detected running in memory.Description:
20666 Web Site Address:
20667 Web sites blocked:
20668 Newly blocked ad servers:
20669 Common ad servers are no longer blocked.
20670 Web site entries processed:
20671 http://www.webroot.com
20672 (Please note: Windows Messenger Service does not affect instant messaging. It is often used for spam messages and pop-up ads. Home users do not need this service, and can enable the Shield. If you work in a corporate environment, ask your system administrator if you need this service.)
20673 The password is not recognized.Please re-enter.
20674 Validating URLs and IP Addresses using Internet Domain Name lookup services.
20675 Today
20676 You are not licensed to use this product.
20677 Passwords do not match.Please enter the password and confirming password again.
20680 spy:
20681 was found at
20682 and quarantined into
20683 registry traces found at
20684 Adware
20685 Spy Cookie
20686 Cookie
20687 System Monitor
20688 Trojan Horse
20689 Modem Hijacker
20690 Worm
20691 Spam Hijacker
20692 Other
20700 Startup Item
20701 Executable
20702 Assessment
20703 <resolving...>
20716 (Cookie)
20717 (Registry Entry)
20718 (File)
20719 (Folder)
20720 ||
20721 (Spyware In Memory)
20732 KB
20733 Contents of Hosts File
20734 Go to website for full description of this spyware
20735 Get more information about a startup item
21000 Alerts
21001 Spy Sweeper protects your computer from unauthorized system changes. When Spy Sweeper's Shields detect changes that may be a result of spyware, it will give you detailed information so you can take the appropriate action.
21003 You have %d Spy Sweeper Alerts to review.
21004 Show Alerts
21005 There are currently no alerts to view.
21016 Internet Explorer Home Page Shield
21017 Spy Sweeper has detected a change to your Internet Explorer home page.Click %s to restore your home page back to%sClick %s to update Spy Sweeper's protected home page to%s
21018 A change to your Internet Explorer home page has been detected.Click %s to restore your home page back to the current empty (no home page) settingClick %s to update Spy Sweeper's protected home page to%s
21019 Keep New
21020 Restore
21021 Internet Explorer Home Page has been restored to:
21022 Internet Explorer Home Page has been updated to:
21032 Internet Explorer Hijack Shield
21033 Spy Sweeper has detected changes to Internet Explorer's default pages, such as the Search page.To restore the original pages, click %s. To update Spy Sweeper with the new pages, click %s.
21034 Keep New
21035 Restore
21036 Internet Explorer internal web pages restored to protected values
21037 Internet Explorer internal web pages updated to current values
21048 Internet Explorer Favorites Shield
21049 Spy Sweeper has detected additions to your Internet Explorer Favorites. To remove items added without your knowledge, select each item you do not want and click %s. To keep items you added, select each item you want and click %s.
21050 Remove
21051 Select All
21052 Deselect All
21053 Removed IE Favorite:
21054 Allowed IE Favorite:
21055 Processing Internet Explorer Favorites Alerts
21056 Keep
21064 Hosts File Shield
21065 Spy Sweeper has detected changes to your Hosts file (a sort of web site "address book" on your computer) that could be an attempt to redirect one Web address to a different address. To remove changes made without your knowledge, select each item you do not want and click %s. To keep changes you made, select each item you want and click %s.
21066 Remove
21067 Select All
21068 Deselect All
21069 %s: %s has been added, but Internet lookup reports %s
21070 Fixed Hosts File entry:
21071 Allowed Hosts File entry:
21072 Processing Hosts File Alerts
21073 Keep
21080 Startup Shield
21081 Spy Sweeper has detected new programs that will start when Windows starts. If you just installed or updated a program, including Windows updates, you should not remove these items. To remove items added without your knowledge, select each item you do not want and click %s. To keep items you added, select each item you want and click %s.
21082 Remove
21083 Select All
21084 Deselect All
21085 Assessment:
21086 More Details
21087 Removed Startup entry:
21088 Allowed Startup entry:
21089 Processing Startup Alerts
21090 Keep
22000 Error Report
22001 Spy Sweeper encountered an error during a previous session. Click %s to send a log of the problem to Webroot support, or click %s to delete the log without sending it.
22002 Delete
22003 Send
22004 Sent error log:
22005 Deleted error log without sending:
23000 Spy Sweeper Trial
23001 Your trial protection expires in:
23002 Buy now and get one year of:
23003 Free software updatesPremier technical support
23004 Continue Trial
23005 Buy it now
23006 Close Spy Sweeper
23007 Click here for uninstall instructions
23008 Expired
23009 days
23010 You are not connected to the Internet. Please connect now, and click ORDER NOW to complete your order.
23011 Or call our customer service team at:1-800-772-9383 Toll free - US and Canada303-442-3813 Outside the US.
23013 To Uninstall Spy Sweeper
23014 1. Open Windows CONTROL PANEL.2. Click ADD/REMOVE PROGRAMS.3. Select Spy Sweeper from the list and click REMOVE.
23015 Buy it now
23016 Spy Sweeper has detected a corrupted version of this trial. It either did not install completely or the trial protection has been damaged.
23017 Click Close and run the installation program again. If this problem persists, please contact Webroot support.
23018 Traces removed since installation:
40000 Launch Spy Sweeper to sweep the selected folder and its subfolders for spyware
40001 Click to start the sweep
40002 Click to abort the sweep
40003 Click to temporarily stop the sweep
40004 Click to view details about the spyware found
40016 Status and summary information for all Spy Sweeper Shields
40017 Protection for Internet Explorer
40018 Protection for your operating system
40019 Protection for your Internet surfing
40020 Protection for your Windows startup program list
40032 Play a sound when a tracking cookie has been found and removed
40033 Detects and removes tracking cookies as they are placed on your computer.
40034 Protects your IE Favorites list from changes made by malicious web sites.
40035 Protects the web pages IE uses internally for operations such as searching from being changed without your knowledge.
40036 Protects your Home Page from being changed without your knowledge.
40037 Protects the Search Page (appears when you type in a nonexistent web site) from being changed without your knowledge.
40039 Protects your IE Security Settings from being changed by spyware.
40040 Internet Explorer Shields:These protect Internet Explorer elements commonly changed by spyware.
40048 System Shields:These protect different parts of your Windows system.
40049 Detects spyware programs running in memory, and alerts you to run a full sweep.
40050 Disables Windows Messenger Service (not Instant Messenger) from popping up unwanted advertising.
40051 Detects and removes spyware programs that are installing themselves on your system.
40064 This blanks out many of the banner ads that would otherwise appear in your browser.
40065 This allows you to choose additional ad serving sites to block while you are surfing.
40066 Protects you from malicious web sites that conduct address hijacking (diverting you to www.someothersite.com instead of www.google.com).
40067 Deselect to see the ad sites that Spy Sweeper is blocking
40068 Delete the selected entries from the Hosts file, ensuring that you will go to the correct web site
40069 Change the selected entries to the web site's correct IP address
40080 Click to see more information about the selected program, if available
40081 Click to save the changes you have made to your startup programs
40082 Click to remove the selected items from your startup programs
40083 Click to leave all items in your startup programs
40084 Edit the startup program items on your system
40085 Protects your startup program list from unauthorized changes.
40100 Protects you from malicious web sites that hijack your telephone connection and run up long-distance charges without your knowledge.
40101 Detects and removes programs that download and install themselves from web sites without your knowledge.
40102 Protects your Windows email address book from programs that send spam to everyone on your list.
40116 Sweep your system for spyware
40117 Move detected spyware into quarantine
40118 View the results of the last sweep
40119 Review quarantined spyware, and restore or delete them as you prefer
40120 Configure and view details about the various systems that can continuously monitor and protect you from spyware
40121 Schedule, Configure, and more
40122 Spy News contains tips and tricks, along with the latest breaking news about spyware
40123 Buy Spy Sweeper
40124 View the detailed help information for Spy Sweeper
40125 Display program and subscription information
40126 Click here to visit the Webroot site
40127 Webroot Spy Sweeper (tm)
40128 Review detected spyware alerts to keep or remove changes
40132 Detailed help about this section
40133 Click to select all listed items
40134 Click to deselect all listed items
40135 Select spyware in the list, then click here for more detailed information about it on the Webroot web site
40148 Restore the selected spyware from quarantine to its original state
40149 Permanently delete the selected spyware from quarantine
40164 Remove all selected spyware
40165 If you check a "parent" item, all of the traces for that spyware will be checked as well
40180 Summary of results for the last sweep
40181 Logs of previous session results
40182 Number of sessions to save in the history log
40183 Save the log to a text file for your own use
40184 Permanently remove all session log history
40200 Check the Webroot site for updated Spy News
40216 Set up Spy Sweeper options
40217 Sweep configuration settings
40218 Schedule sweeps
40219 List of spyware you always want to keep
40220 List of spyware you always want to remove
40221 Other Webroot products
40232 Allows you to sweep specific folders from Windows Explorer
40233 Automatically checks for program and definition updates once a week
40234 Automatically removes items in quarantine after the number of days you set
40235 Protects your settings with a password
40236 Displays "hints" or "tool tips" when your mouse is over an item
40237 Starts the program automatically every time you start Windows
40238 Does not show the splash screen when Spy Sweeper starts
40239 Displays Spy News when Spy Sweeper starts
40240 Takes you to the Webroot site to download a new program version, if available
40241 Downloads new spyware definitions, if available
40242 Takes you to the Webroot site to report suspected spyware
40243 When Spy Sweeper Shields detect activity, only the alert pop-up displays. Double-click the Spy Sweeper icon to see the Alerts panel.
40248 Use the drop-down list to select which drives you want to sweep for spyware
40249 Sweeps your computer's memory for spyware
40250 Sweeps your computer's registry for spyware
40251 Does not sweep files larger than the size you enter
40252 Sweeps only folders where spyware is typically found, making the sweep faster
40253 Sweeps all folders, making the sweep more thorough and effective
40254 Sweeps the registry of every local user account, otherwise sweeps only the account that is currently logged on
40255 Excludes the System Restore folder from sweeps
40264 Runs a sweep before shutting down Windows
40265 Runs a sweep every time Windows starts up
40266 Runs a sweep based on a schedule you define below
40267 Sweeps on a given day of the week
40268 Sweeps once per time period (daily, weekly, monthly)
40269 Sweeps once each day
40270 Sweeps once each week
40271 Sweeps once each month
40272 Sweeps at a specified hour at each sweep interval
40273 Sweeps at a specified number of hours after Spy Sweeper has been started
40280 Clears the Always Keep list of spyware that is not selected to shorten the list
40281 Clears the Always Remove list of spyware that is not selected to shorten the list
40300 Washes away all traces of your PC and Internet activity and improves system performance.
40301 Visit our web site and learn about Window Washer.
40302 Eliminates annoying pop up windows in your web browser.
40303 Visit our web site and learn about Pop Up Washer.
40304 Bring your internet connection up to speed without new hardware.
40305 Visit our web site and learn about Accelerate.
40306 Eliminate annoying unsolicited e-mail and take back control of your e-mail.
40307 Visit our web site and learn about Spam Shredder.
49000 Cannot read the spyware definition file. Please reinstall Spy Sweeper.If you continue to have trouble, please contact Webroot support at support@webroot.com.
49001 Spy Sweeper failed to release an important buffer.
49002 There is not enough memory to run this application.Please close other applications and run Spy Sweeper again.
49003 There is no spyware in the list.
49005 : Sweeper definition is lacking a source file. Please contact Webroot support.
49006 Please reinstall Spy Sweeper.Your spyware definitions file has been corrupted.
49008 Spy Sweeper was unable to create the directory. Check your Windows directory permissions.Logging is now disabled.
49016 Failed to load spyware lists.Please reinstall Spy Sweeper.
49017 A removed spyware item was running in memory when it was disabled.
49018 To ensure system stability, Webroot recommends that you reboot your system.
49019 Do you want to reboot now?
49020 A sweep will be performed at Windows start up
49021 A sweep will be performed at Windows shut down
49022 Spyware found:
49023 Spyware ignored:
49024 Detected running spyware:
49025 Ignored memory-resident spyware:
49026 Removing this may cause the following programs to stop running.
49027 Important Note: To prevent loss of unsaved work, you should close all
49028 other applications before removing memory-resident spyware.
49029 Do you want to shut down this memory-resident spyware now?
49030 Do you still want to quarantine this spyware?
49031 Spy Sweeper will provide you with detailed information about the operations being performed in this area.